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Odd-One-Out Answers (2004)

Don't just start clicking on the answers - you'll ruin the fun! The whole point of this page is to stretch your brains a bit. There are plenty of puzzles here and in previous years for you to have hours of entertainment. If you can't do one instantly, then why not go away and think about it for a day or three? You'll gain greater satisfaction working out the answers for yourself than just reading the answers I provide.

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(back to this month's puzzle)

January 2004

This month's puzzles are all in some sense 'complete' lists, with the addition of an odd-one-out of course.

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February 2004

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March 2004

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April 2004

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May 2004

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June 2004

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July 2004

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August 2004

For the above puzzle, I am going to take pity on you long enough to provide you with a clue: John Thaw

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September 2004

For the first time in two years I somehow never got round to creating the monthly series of five puzzles. Even more disappointingly, there was a total lack of outcry from the web-surfing public at the missing puzzles.

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October 2004

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November 2004

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December 2004

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